Chairman: Gert Kostner, Graz
Vice-Chairmen: Hans Dieplinger and Florian Kronenberg, Innsbruck
Local Members: Winfried März, Graz and Gerd Utermann, Innsbruck
International advisory board
Alberico Catapano, Milano, IT
M. John Chapman, Paris, FR
Henry Ginsberg, New York, USA
Pia Kamstrup, Copenhagen, DK
Marlys Koschinsky, Windsor, CA
Karam Kostner, Brisbane, AUS
Santica Marcovina, Seattle, USA
Sally McCormik, Dunedin, NZ
Borge Nordestgaard, Copenhagen, DK
Sotirios Tsimikas, San Diego, USA
Olaf Wiklund, Gothenburg, SE
84th EAS Congress
This meeting is a satellite to the
84th EAS Congress to be held in
Innsbruck from May 29 - June 1, 2016